Eclipse EGit: Git Integration for Eclipse 4.8.0 Release Review

End Date of the Review Period

Reviews run for a minimum of one week. The outcome of the review is decided on this date. This is the last day to make comments or ask questions about this review.





  • Support pulling remote branches to apply them on detached HEAD (Bug 485396). 
  • Support multiple ICommitMessageProvider implementations (Bug 376388)

Usability Improvements

  • Use action verbs as button label
    • Change confirm hard reset dialog Yes- and No-button label (Bug 514470)

    • Change discard local changes dialog OK-button label

    • Use verbs in PullResultDialog instead of OK (Bug 514320

  • Set focus when context menu in staging view appears
  • Adds mnemonics to the buttons in the git staging view
  • Make double click on a staging view folder node expand it
  • Improve progress reporting for submodules
  • Open the clone wizard when a git URL is dropped anywhere on Eclipse (Bug 513247
  • Non-blocking content-assist in FetchGerritChangePage (Bug 515733
  • Refactor and simplify FetchGerritChangePage, remove foreground execution option (Bug 496493
  • Improve pasting into Change field in FetchGerritChangePage
  • Give the tag field in FetchGerritChangePage a BranchNameNormalizer
  • Expand/collapse folder nodes in DiffEditorOutline on double click
  • Improve branch name field in FetchGerritChangePage
  • Add a BranchNameNormalizer to the PushBranchPage (Bug 515279
  • Adds mnemonics to the buttons in the git staging view (Bug 515040
  • Add mnemonic to "Continue" button in "Running Launch" dialog (Bug 514480

Performance Improvements

  • Avoid multiple tree-walks in model-aware git synchronizations (Bug 516358
  • Throttle updates of the EclipseGitProgressTransformer (Bug 516276

Build and Release Engineering

  • Update jetty to 9.4.5
  • Update maven plugins
  • Update Oomph setup
  • Update Orbit dependencies to the Oxygen version R20170516192513

Bug Fixes

  • Don't auto-share for closed projects or for bare repositories
  • Prevent NoWorkTreeException in GitProjectData (Bug 517056
  • Fix NPE in RepositorySelectionPage (Bug 517044
  • Remove many default handlers (Bug 495064)
  • CommitEditor: fix check-out button display (Bug 516679)
  • Fix synchronize with deleted resources (Bug 516426
  • Fix node selection in AbstractBranchSelectionDialog (Bug 516411
  • Workaround for HiDPI line number rulers on macOS retina (Bug 516322
  • Look for core_defaultRepositoryDir in all preference scopes (Bug 496737
  • Fix NPE in SubmoduleUpdateCommand (Bug 514936
  • SpellCheckingMessageArea cleanup & prevent NPE when spellcheck disabled (Bug 515999
  • Workaround to enable linking multiple resources to HistoryView (Bug 392948
  • Make HyperlinkTokenScanner more robust (Bug 515730
  • Load the reflog view asynchronously (Bug 515606
  • Fix representation toggle commands in the repositories view (Bug 495064
  • Update EGit state when only FETCH_HEAD changes (Bug 437362
  • Don't decorate when the workspace is not yet ready. (Bug 515994
  • Add a sanity check against misbehaving IAdaptables (Bug 515993
  • Fix "checkout" used as a verb to "check out"



This release is part of Eclipse Oxygen