Election for Martijn Goorden as Committer on Eclipse ESCET (Supervisory Control Engineering Toolkit)

Role Type

Martijn Goorden has been contributing to various parts of the Eclipse ESCET™ (Supervisory Control Engineering Toolkit) project for some time, and has in this way made a positive impact on the project.

They have addressed the following issues:
- #171 Performance measuring of data-based synthesis
- #179 Documented location of eclipse.ini file on MacOS
- #188 Move Convert CIF to Yed diagram to CIF miscellaneous tools
- #216 Cannot terminate GUI simulations with terminate button
- #235 Rename and reorder statistics options
- #236 Make paper/book/etc references in documentation consistent
- #357 Update CIF documentation for recent Inkscape versions
- #413 Print counter example path for language equivalence check
- #419 Added Oisterwijksebaan bridge real-world CIF synthesis example - small fixes
- #483 Update macOS download instructions
- #525 CIF to CIF transformation to remove unused events

See the full list of completed merge requests at: https://gitlab.eclipse.org/eclipse/escet/escet/-/merge_requests?author_….

Besides that, Martijn has joined in various discussions on other issues.

It is my pleasure to nominate Martijn Goorden as a committer on Eclipse ESCET™ (Supervisory Control Engineering Toolkit).

Nominated by
This election has been approved by the PMC.
Voter Vote Comments
Dennis Hendriks +1 +1 implied by nomination
Ferdie Reijnen +1 I'd like to that Martijn has a lot of experience with the theoretical part of supervisor synthesis, which is very helpful!
Albert Hofkamp +1
Bert Van Beek +1 I am very happy to vote for Marijn as a valuable member in our team.

PMC Approval

  • Gunnar Wagenknecht (+1) Welcome!