Eclipse Hudson 3.2.0

Release Date

Core upgrade to Spring Libraries is the Critical step and will be managed as the first step in this release.  Thus Milestone 1 will only contain the Spring upgrade with no additional changes.

Once M1 has been stabilized and run through a full QA cycle then new features and bugfixes around Enterprise Support and Scalability  and Team Concept will be added and rolled into the main Release Candidate 1 for QA and community testing.

We intend to allow 4 weeks for RC1 testing and will then, assuming no significant issues are raised, go to final release


From the Hudson Core point of view, this will be a drop in release with no changes to Job format.  However, because we're taking this release as an opportunity to upgrade Spring and Spring security this will undoubtedly cause knock on effects in the plugins that you might be using.  For this reason there will be new plugin versions to pick up as part of an upgrade to the release.

External work on the plugins is documented in the Hudson-ci wiki.

We have already managed the migration of key-plugins to be compatible with the new Spring version and these amended plugins are hosted on a parallel update center that Hudson 3.2 users will automatically connect to.  This should reduce the chance of any issues on upgrade. providing that users upgrade their plugins at the same time as core. 


As with all Hudosn releases, internationalization is a community effort and users can further enhance the available translations using the available Hudson Translation Assistance plugin.

Target Environments

As usual Hudson will support any platform that runs Java 1.6 or above.

Name Date Description
M1 2014/05/15 First release for sanity testing of the core Spring Upgrade. New versions of plugins should also be available at this point
RC1 2014/06/27 Release Candidate containing Spring Upgrade plus new features in Team Concept and Performance
Release 2014/08/15 Proposed release date

Enterprise Support

Features relating to improving the use or management of Hudson in an Enterprise setting involving large developer communities and Job loads. Whiteboard Tag: hudson-theme-enterprise

Spring 3 Upgrade

Wholesale library upgrade to keep the project current and to improve security

Team Concept

Improvements to the Teams feature introduced by Hudson 3.1.0

UI Polish

A side project to correct orphaned and out of date links in the UI and help system generally. This is matched by appropriate work in the Hudson Wiki at Eclipse to finish the migration of articles mentioned in help files onto that platform