Eclipse Jubula Functional Testing Tool 4.0 (Neon) Release Review

End Date of the Review Period

Reviews run for a minimum of one week. The outcome of the review is decided on this date. This is the last day to make comments or ask questions about this review.


4.0 (Neon)


This release contains various improvements across many of the feature areas of Jubula:

  • Performance improvements for project opening, refresh, saving and opening editors and test results
  • Copy and paste within and between editors
  • Multi line comments can be added in editors to add longer documentation to tests
  • Object mapping: it is now possible to set a heuristic profile for each technical name, allowing users to choose e.g. a name-only strategy for components with a set name
  • The Client API for writing tests now supports taking screenshots on error and GEF testing
  • New supported components and actions have been added to the JavaFX toolkit: Sliders, Date Pickers, the ability to check CSS properties, and support for table actions on tree-table components
  • The GEF toolkit has been extended to allow checking of connection point statuses and properties, as well as the existence of connections
  • The SWT toolkit now supports checking properties at the mouse position for trees, tree tables and tables


Architectural Issues

None known

Security Issues

There are no known security issues.

Non-Code Aspects

Extension and client API examples have been added and updated.

End of Life
  • Support for multi-language testing (running the same test in various languages) has been removed.
  • Tutorials and talks have been given at conferences and user training courses have been held
  • Questions in the forum are answered
  • Questions in the developer list are answered
  • TIckets from users in Bugzilla are triaged and commented, and fixed where possible / appropriate
  • Blogs have been written
  • We are organising a Demo Camp for Neon
This release is part of Neon