Election for Andrew Guibert as Committer on MicroProfile®

Role Type

Andy Guibert has been active in the MicroProfile Concurrency project, providing valuable analysis of complex topics, well thought-out ideas and proposals. Andy has done a great job of uncovering cases where the details of proposals to the specification will have unintended consequences, often backing up his positions with hard evidence from having done substantial work to experiment with what works and what doesn't. Andy has a good eye for usability, and is always watching out for how we can provide the best user experience in how we design our APIs. He has also been good at driving the specification towards compromise when there are differing opinions, whether on minor design points or substantial ones. I believe Andy will prove to be an excellent committer, and will continue to provide valuable contributions both to this as well as other MicroProfile specifications in the future.

Nominated by
This election has been approved by the PMC.
Voter Vote Comments
Nathan Rauh +1 +1 implied by nomination
Kevin Sutter +1
Emily Jiang +1 Great job, Andrew!
David Blevins +1
Stephane Epardaud +1

PMC Approval

  • Gunnar Wagenknecht (+1) Welcome!