Eclipse Nebula NatTable 1.5.0



The main features that are enhanced by the Eclipse Nebula NatTable 1.5.0 release are printing and export. It also contains several fixes for concurrency and performance issues reported from users.

We also decided to provide the NatTable Examples Application as an Eclipse 4 RCP application and discontinue the Webstart application.

API Certification

The project leadership certifies that the APIs in this release are "Eclipse Quality".

Architectural Issues

We extended the exporter framework to make it easier to implement, contribute and use new exporters.

We decided to publish the NatTable Examples Application as RCP application instead of the Webstart variant we had before. This includes a product build that uses some resources to deal with build issues for customized e4.rcp features and the signing process for executables provided by the Eclipse Foundation projects.

We also needed to include SWT Fragment Dummies from to be able to build the examples application with a custom minimized e4.rcp feature. From my understanding these fragments are only needed to satisfy the dependencies and they are neither really used or delivered in any way. Therefore I didn't mention them anywhere else. And hopefully they can be removed again with an update to Oxygen.


We had a quite active community in the Eclipse forum and Stackoverflow. There were also several bug reports and some contributions.