This release adds compatibility with OpenJDK v11.
This is a source code only project, containing a portion of the overall function needed to provide a full Java Developer's Kit (JDK) implementation. To run Java applications, OpenJ9 must be combined with the non-JVM parts of a JDK, such as OpenJDK.
Some user documentation is available on the Eclipse OpenJ9 web site (https://www.eclipse.org/openj9/), covering aspects such as how to build OpenJDK binaries that includes the OpenJ9 VM on multiple platforms, plus frequently asked questions. A preliminary User Guide is published at https://www.eclipse.org/openj9/docs/.
New since the last release plan, there is a blog site created https://blog.openj9.org/ containing a number of articles, with new articles posted on a continuous basis.
The project uses GitHub issues at the main repository (eclipse/openj9) to handle the work of the project and communicate with our community. We created a slack workspace for all users, adopters, and contributors/committers to be able to reach out to our community, and added a signup button to our main web page. We have not been very actively using the dev list, making only the occasional announcement there, although the list is monitored and questions are answered. We have organized a weekly community web conference to discuss interesting issues for the project, with some external participation. We have written a number of articles, some listed here https://www.eclipse.org/openj9/oj9_resources.html. Several committers have delivered talks at conferences like Java One, QCON SF, CASCON, and we have talks scheduled at future development conferences to continue to get the word out.