This release has been cancelled.
This is a source code only project, containing a portion of the overall function needed to provide a full Java Developer's Kit (JDK) implementation. To run Java applications, OpenJ9 must be combined with the non-VM parts of a JDK, such as OpenJDK.
User documentation is available on the Eclipse OpenJ9 web site (https://www.eclipse.org/openj9/), covering aspects such as how to get downloads, what's new, how to build OpenJDK binaries with OpenJ9, frequently asked questions, links to articles, project news, a link to the OpenJ9 blog, how to join the Slack channel. The User Guide for Eclipse OpenJ9, which continues to be improved, is published for the last release at https://www.eclipse.org/openj9/docs/. Documention in progress for the next release is also published at https://eclipse-openj9.github.io/openj9-docs/. There is an documentation archive found at https://github.com/eclipse-openj9/openj9-docs/tree/master/downloads.
The project uses GitHub issues at the main repository (eclipse-openj9/openj9) to handle the work of the project and communicate with the community. There is a slack workspace for all users, adopters, and contributors/committers to be able to reach out to the community, and a Slack link on the OpenJ9 main web page enables anyone to join. The dev list is used sporadically, and is monitored and questions answered. There is a weekly community web conference, where every so often short talks about features are presented. For details see the #planning channel on Slack. It's used to discuss interesting issues for the project, external participation is welcomed. The meetings are recorded and made publicly available on YouTube. There are a number of articles, refer to https://www.eclipse.org/openj9/news. Several committers have delivered talks at conferences such as Code One, QCON SF, CASCON, FOSDEM, and there are talks scheduled at future conferences to continue to get the word out.