Eclipse Marketplace Client 1.2.0



This release addresses specific concerns about MPC usability and significant bugs. Further, this release strives to make the Marketplace Client even more attractive to users by providing more social information about available solutions in the MPC client and by making it a channel for both Marketplace- and ecosystem-related news.


  • MPC should communicate Eclipse news to end users by showing the Eclipse newsletter (or alternative news for the current 3rd-party marketplace) inside the wizard; and
  • End users should see install counts and star ratings of solutions in the MPC wizard and easily interact with the web-based Marketplace voting;
API Certification

The project leadership certifies that the APIs in this release are "Eclipse Quality".

Architectural Issues

There are no architectural changes in this release.

Security Issues

There are no security issues.

Usability Details

MPC workflow and UI elements are more self-explanatory and the UI has been cleaned up. Error handling has been improved to give better, more comprehensible feedback to the end user.

Specific items:

  • Make it easier to install multiple plugins [337774]
  • Improve Marketplace switcher and solution layout [341014][323259]
  • Improve Category and Market Listings [314936]
  • Better handling of proxy connections and connectivity errors [385936][374105]
  • Support users in case of conflicting installs with the remediation process [406907]


  • Correctly identify 3.8 and 4.2 platforms [382134]
  • Popular tab should show popular feed [398200]
End of Life

No feature are retired in this release.

This release is part of Kepler