Eclipse Subversive SVN Team Provider 1.1.0 Release Review

End Date of the Review Period

Reviews run for a minimum of one week. The outcome of the review is decided on this date. This is the last day to make comments or ask questions about this review.




Subversive is an Eclipse Team Provider for Subversion (SVN). Subversive is Technology sub-project. Release 1.1.0 will be available as a part of Kepler simultaneous release. The goal of the release is to provide new features and improvements appeared since the previous Simultaneous release.

API Certification

The project leadership certifies that the APIs in this release are "Eclipse Quality".

Architectural Issues

New Features (since Juno release)

  • Win64 platform support
  • SVN 1.7 support
  • Plug-in integration API improvements
  • Usability improvements


Architectural Issues
  • Subversive supports Team API introduced in Eclipse 3.0 and Eclipse 3.2
  • SVN 1.7 features are supported
Security Issues

There are no known security issues.

Non-Code Aspects

User documentation

Developer documentation

IP Issues IP Issues – Next Steps
  • Current Subversive distribution approach:
    • Subversive itself is EPL-compatible and is distributed from
    • JavaHL and SVNKit EPL-incompatible SVN Connectors are marked as “exempt pre-req” and “works with” dependencies (correspondingly) and are distributed from
  • Upcoming SVN 1.8 release is expected to discard its GPL dependencies. Then SVN and its JavaHL library can become EPL-compatible.
Usability Details

UI Usability

  • Follow User Interface Guidelines
    • Make Subversive close to CVS as much as possible
    • Use best practices for professional UI: care about controls layout, use input validators, use standard icons, etc.
  • Pursue continuous UI review inside the team
  • Implement usability features suggested by the community
Tool Usability
  • Subversive provides support for all operations available for SVN clients. It means that it can be used as a fully-functional Eclipse SVN client and as a replacement of the original SVN client.
  • Subversive provides a set of unique features that improve usability for developers:
    • Support of repository layouts recommended by Subversion
    • Revision browsing
    • Automatic search of Eclipse projects in the repository
    • Revision graph
End of Life
No features or APIs are moving into End of Life in this release.


  • Subversive requires J2SE 1.5 and Eclipse 3.6 and higher
  • Versions compatible with previous versions of Eclipse are available at the previous project location on
  • Subversive supports SVN 1.1 – 1.7
  • Active communication with the community through Mailing lists, Newsgroup, Bugzilla, etc.
  • Active users community: more than 500 downloads per day
  • Project has a Developers and Integrators community and benefits from six integrations with open-source and commercial tools; other integrations are expected
This release is part of Kepler