Eclipse Mylyn 3.10

Release Date


The Mylyn project coordinates a release of all participating sub-projects.


Mylyn Builds 1.2

  • Builds Framework
  • Hudson/Jenkins Connector
  • Builds SDK

Mylyn Commons 3.10

  • Discovery Framework
  • Identity Framework
  • Interaction Monitoring Framework
  • Notification Framework
  • Repository Framework
  • Transport Framework
  • HTTP Transport
  • SOAP Transport
  • XML-RPC Transport
  • UI Toolkit
  • Commons SDK

Mylyn Context 3.10

  • Focused UI
  • Eclipse IDE Bridge
  • Java Development Bridge
  • Plug-in Development Bridge
  • Team Support Bridge
  • C/C++ Development Bridge
  • Context SDK

Mylyn Docs 1.9

  • WikiText
  • HtmlText
  • EPUB
  • Docs SDK
  • WikiText SDK

Mylyn Reviews 2.1

  • Reviews Framework
  • Gerrit Connector
  • Reviews SDK

Mylyn Tasks 3.10

  • Task List
  • Bugzilla Connector
  • Trac Connector
  • Tasks SDK
  • Tasks Tests SDK

Mylyn Versions 1.2

  • Versions Framework
  • CVS Connector
  • Git Connector
  • Subclipse Connector
  • Versions SDK


The following repositories are supported:

  • Bugzilla 4.0.11, 4.2.7, 4.4.1
  • Trac 0.12.5, 1.0.1
  • Hudson 2.2.1, 3.0, 3.0.1, 3.1.0
  • Jenkins 1.466.2, 1.480.3, 1.509.4
  • Gerrit 2.4.2, 2.5.4, 2.6.1, 2.7.0




API Contract Compatibility: Mylyn 3.10 will be backward compatible with Mylyn 3.0.

Binary (plug-in) Compatibility: Mylyn 3.10 will be binary compatible with Mylyn 3.0.

Source Compatibility: Mylyn 3.10 will not by be source compatible with previous versions.

Workspace Compatibility: We intend to keep Mylyn 3.10 upwards workspace-compatible with all versions higher than Mylyn 2.0 unless noted. This means that workspaces created with Mylyn 2.0 can be successfully opened by Mylyn 3.10 and upgraded to a 3.10 workspace.



Strings in all non-incubation plug-ins and features will be externalized and available for translation through Eclipse Babel.


Target Environments


Mylyn is designed to run on version 1.6 of the Java Runtime Environment, Standard Edition. Support for Java 1.5 has been discontinued.

Mylyn 3.10 will support the following Eclipse releases:

  • Eclipse 3.8
  • Eclipse 4.3
  • Eclipse 4.4

Support for Eclipse 4.2 has been discontinued.



Integration of continuous integration and build systems and seamless access to software build and assembly technologies. Mylyn users will be able to access continuous integration processes, control build execution and associate build results with tasks and context.
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Framework of common UI, web service, REST and test utilities to be used by the rest of Mylyn and by other Eclipse-based tools.
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Usage monitoring, degree-of-interested modeling and the task-focused user extensions implementation for the Eclipse UI, which re-aligns the user experience around tasks and provides features such as workspace focusing and one-click multitasking.
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Eclipse-based access to documentation systems such as Wikis and other portals. This builds on the Mylyn WikiText framework.
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Eclipse-based code review functionality that's seamlessly integrated with the Tasks and SCM systems supported by Mylyn. Eclipse integration for Agile code reviews, the formal IEEE code review process, review reports with BIRT and aim to support many Eclipse artifact for reviews, e.g. JDT (Java files), CDT (C/C++ files), EMF (models).
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Integration with Agile, issue, bug and defect tracking servers. Mylyn Tasks provides rich task editing, task list management and offline synchronization for ALM servers. Central portion of the ALM integration framework used by other projects, eg, task-based changed tracking for the SCM project.
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Eclipse integration for source code and configuration management tools(SCM, SCCM) and bi-directional linking to change management tools. Mylyn Versions and the API it provides builds on the existing Eclipse Team APIs.
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