This release contains defect fixes and minor improvements to the UI.
The project leadership certifies that the APIs in this release are "Eclipse Quality".
- No breaking API changes from 3.0
- API tooling is used to verify that binary backwards compatibility is maintained and no API regressions are introduced.
- APIs are consumed by 3rd parties who provide regular feedback
- All API changes are tracked in Bugzilla on bugs tagged as [api]
- Notes on API additions since Mylyn 3.0: http://wiki.eclipse.org/Mylyn/Porting_Guide
- Connector core APIs are available to standalone environments and do not require an OSGi container
Localization and externalization
- The code base has been externalized for Mylyn 3.1.
- Mylyn is now available for translation via Eclipse Babel.
User documentation
- Eclipse help content that is generated from the Wiki has been added for Mylyn 3.1.
- The webinar on Mylyn 3.0 is the most viewed webinar on Eclipse Live.
- The web site provides easy access to Downloads, Support and Getting Started documentation.
Developer documentation
- Wiki-based Contributors Reference
- Wiki-based Integrators Reference
Source Control
- Source code, including the website content, is managed in Gerrit. Code reviews are encouraged for all changes.
Release Engineering
- The build system is based on Maven Tycho.
Continuous Integration
- Tests are executed on a regular schedule on the Mylyn HIPP. Test results and build artifacts are available to anyone.
- Constant stream of stable releases
- Bundled as part of EPP distributions
- Committers work from HEAD, contributors from weekly builds, community from milestone releases
User feedback says it best:
- "..arguably the most productivity-enhancing idea since background compilation and all of the things that enables (namely refactoring and syntax highlighting). I just don't know how I ever was able to read and understand the Eclipse sources (or the sources of other large projects I've worked on) before Mylar, it's just that good.“ (David Orme)
- “I would like to commend you on this very good tool. It has increased my productivity by 3 folds - no kidding...” (Deepak Devje)
- No review for this release, but following accessibility guidelines
- http://www.eclipse.org/articles/Article-Accessibility/index.html
User Interface Guidelines
- Focus on consistent visual design, UI elements, icons
- http://wiki.eclipse.org/index.php/User_Interface_Guidelines
Active Streams:
- Mylyn 3.21 supports Eclipse 4.6 and 4.5
End of Life Streams:
- Mylyn 3.20 supports Eclipse 4.6 and 4.5
Mylyn requires JavaSE 1.8 or later.
- Lively community on newsgroup and bug reports
- Articles and blogs by community members
- Contributor documentation on Eclipsepedia
- Lively community on mylyn-dev and bug reports
- Integrator documentation on Eclipsepedia
- Separate mylyn-integrators mailing list removes need for integrators to watch the higher-traffic mylyn-dev
- Specific discussions on “[connector]” and “[bridge]” bug reports, as well as “manage integration with Foobar” bug reports