Trace Compass is a tool for viewing and analyzing both logs and traces. It provides views, graphs, metrics, etc. to help extract useful information from logs or traces, in a way that is user-friendly and informative.
This is the first major release for this project after moving the source code from Eclipse Linux Tools project.
The project leadership certifies that the APIs in this release are "Eclipse Quality".
Trace Compass is a tool for viewing and analyzing both logs and traces. It provides views, graphs, metrics, etc. to help extract useful information from logs or traces, in a way that is user-friendly and informative.
This is the first major release for this project after moving the source code from Eclipse Linux Tools project and after the initial Trace Compass 0.1.0 release.
With this release the project will go out of Incubation.
Trace Compass provides an extensible framework written in Java that exposes a generic interface for the integration of logs or trace data input. This enables developers can extend the framework for their application specifics. For that, Trace Compass provides extension points for
- adding support for new trace and log formats
- adding support for custom trace analysis modules
- adding support for custom UI elements such as events tables, analyses output and sequence diagrams
Trace Compass also provides support for custom parsers, data-driven analyses and views. Custom text or XML parsers can be added directly from the graphical interface by the user. Configurable, data-driven analyses and views can be defined in XML and then be loaded to enhance the functionality of Trace Compass.
Trace Compass provides documentation in form of User and Developer Guides. The developer guide explains how to extend the framework and provides several tutorials for that. These guides are available as Eclipse help plug-ins and are part of the installable features. The latest released versions are also available as a wiki page on the Eclipse Foundation's web page.
User Guides
- LTTng User Guide (including generic framework features)
- Pcap Network Analysis User Guide
- GDBTrace Analysis User Guide
- Trace Compass Product User Guide (RCP)
Developer Guide
- Trace Compass Developer Guide
Gerrit is used for all internal and external contributions. The contributions are build on the HIPP for Trace Compass. Sonar is used to monitor quality metrics. The performance is monitored through the Eclipse performance framework and visualized here.
- Trace Compass aims to conform to the Eclipse user interface guidelines.
- The UI components support for keyboard navigation.
- All of our strings are externalized but there are currently no language packs.
- Trace Compass is designed to support large trace data that exceeds the available memory while providing a responsive UI.
We continuously work on improving the user experience. This 1.0 release added several user experince improvements, for example:
- Aligned time axis for time based view
- Customizable fonts and color for Events Table
- Highlighting of matched search and flter matches in the Events Table
No end-of-life issues to discuss at this time.
Trace Compass comes with multipe built-in trace parsers for the following standard:
- Common Trace Format (CTF)
- GDB traces for debugging
- Best Trace Format for OSEK
- The libpcap (PAcket CAPture) format, for network traces
Trace Compass provides a remote tracer control for LTTng Kernel and UST Tracers for configuring of trace sessions.
- 6 active committers from 3 different organizations
- Trace Compass can be setup using Oomph. We hope this lowers the barrier-to-entry and stimulates the growth of our community.
- User interaction via Bugzilla, IRC chat (#tracecompass) and mailing list (tracecompass-dev@eclipse.org)
- Bugzilla is used for planning and bug tracking
- Centralized update site and download page for the standalone RCP
- Trace Compass is part of the PolarSys solutions
- Strong relationship with the LTTng project. Project members interact with this community via mailing list (lttng-dev@lists.lttng.org)
- Many interactions with the CDT project. One committer is also committer in CDT.
- Trace Compass is the preferred Trace Analysis Tool for students as part of the trace research projects (see bullets below) with the Polytechnique Montreal university. Many enhancements for Trace Compass are an outcome of these reseach projects.
- Project members are regularly presenting at EclipseCon North America and Europe as well as at the Tracing Summit that co-hosted with LinuxCon, for example: