Eclipse Trace Compass 5.0.0

Release Date

Trace Compass 5.0.0 focuses on new features and bug fixes. API clean up was done and new APIs have been added as well. New features include:

  • Time graph improvements
    • Zoom to selection
    • Line entries
  • XY Chart improvements
    • Added keyboard navigation
    • Added toolbar buttons
  • Configurable time format for time axis
  • Tooltip improvements
    • Selectable and resizable tooltip
    • Browser tooltip
    • Tooltip information for markers
  • System Calls categorized by component

The Trace Compass 5.0.0 major release removes APIs that had been deprecated for at least 1 release cycle. Tools extending Trace Compass need to align with the updated and removed APIs when upgrading to Trace Compass 5.0.0.

This release is part of Eclipse IDE 2019-03, Eclipse IDE 2019-06