Eclipse Wild Web Developer 0.1.0 Release Review

End Date of the Review Period

Reviews run for a minimum of one week. The outcome of the review is decided on this date. This is the last day to make comments or ask questions about this review.




Eclipse Wild Web Developer 0.1.0 is the first release of Eclipse Wild Web Developer.

It includes support for rich edition of HTML, JavaScript, TypeScript, CSS, SCSS, SASS, JSON in the Eclipse IDE, and provides support for debugging of Node.js applications.

It relies mostly on external bricks of "smartness" (TextMate grammars, Language Servers and Debug Adapters) that are plugged in the Eclipse IDE using the appropriate frameworks provided by Eclipse Platform, Eclipse TM4E and Eclipse LSP4E.

API Certification

The project leadership certifies that the APIs in this release are "Eclipse Quality".

Architectural Issues

No architectural issue.

Wild Web Developer can be seen as a competitor of Eclipse WebTools, and particularly of JSDT. But it's much superior at usage and the design of Wild Web Developer and the "principles" of development makes it more sustainable (see below).

This project is heavily based on reusability of the components it leverages, and a lot of effort is put in placing the work in upstream components whenever is makes sense rather than enriching the integration itself.

Security Issues


Conforms To UI/UX Guidelines
Not verified
Usability Details

Wild Web Developer doesn't provide much new UI/UX itself and instead extends the UI/UX already provided by the Eclipse Platform and other upstream components.

End of Life

Not Applicable.


WIld Web Developer doesn't produce any standard.

It relies on bricks implementing th Language Server Protocol and Debug Adapter Protocol pseudo-standard, and on TextMate files. Actual support for those standards is provided by Eclipse LSP4E and Eclipse TM4E projecs.


Wild Web Developer is a popular enough project:

* Eclipse Marketplace entry ( ) has been available for almost a year -first named Bluesky- and is currently installed ~2000 times per month, which represents ~40% of the number of installation of its "competitor" Eclipse Web Development Tools

* 5 people have contributed code to Eclipse Wild Web Developer 0.1.0.

* ~10 people have participated to technical discussion and provided feedback on the issue tracker.