Eclipse WTP Source Editing 3.4.0

Release Date
  • Source code for deliverables tagged in CVS as version tagged "R3_4_0", viewable in the WebTools_Project CVS repository .

Internationalization and Localization will be supported.

Target Environments

WTP Source Editing will support the platforms certified by the Eclipse Platform project. For a list of platforms supported, see Eclipse Target Operating Environments .


Ease of Use

Features provided by WTP should be simple to use for users with widely-varying backgrounds and skill sets.

  • WTP User Interface should be consistent and should follow the Eclipse User Experience Guidelines. Experienced Eclipse users should find few, if any, unpleasant surprises or omissions in the UI.
  • Usability and Accessibility reviews should be done for the most common task flows. Cheat Sheets should be provided to assist users in performing tasks.
  • WTP should provide enhanced user documentation, tutorials, white papers, demonstrations.

Ease of Use plan items are designated with "EaseOfUse" in the Status Whiteboard and the "plan" keyword.

  • hyperlink navigation for @import in css [92854] (target milestone: 3.4 M3)
  • Color preview popup on CSS color hovering [360874] (target milestone: 3.4 M4)
  • Control+Space Bar doesn't auto-fill text when there's only one option [134073] (target milestone: 3.4 M5)
  • Use Linked Positions for cursor positioning in applied content assist proposals [264246] (target milestone: 3.4 M7)
No items.

Scaling Up

Source Editing must be able to deal with development and deployment on an increasingly large and more complex scale. Source Editing should spend focused effort on performance testing and improvement when dealing with extremely large projects and workspaces, particularly where extensibility is offered.

Scaling Up plan items are designated with the "plan" and "performance" keywords together.

No items.
No items.

Design for Extensibility

The 'P' in WTP stands for Platform, meaning Source Editing can be used by adopters to extend its functionality. This theme is about continuing to ensure the success of its adopters by promoting new APIs and Extension points. These should be backed with robust JUnit tests and good documentation.

Design for Extensibility plan items are designated with the "plan" and "api" keywords together.

  • Element.getAttributeNode will create an Attribute for implied values [362006] (target milestone: 3.4 M3)
No items.


Source Editing is one of the most heavily used projects within WTP and carries a correspondingly weighty bug report list because of it. Items under this theme are meant to address the backlog of bug reports not concerning performance and is not to include enhancements. It is expected that these require a significant enough amount of time to merit inclusion within the plan. Items under this theme are only to be chosen by Committers.

Quality plan items are designated with the "plan" keyword and "qplan" within the status whiteboard.

No items.
No items.


Following are plan items including those not yet categorized into a theme.

  • hyperlink navigation for @import in css [92854] (target milestone: 3.4 M3)
  • Element.getAttributeNode will create an Attribute for implied values [362006] (target milestone: 3.4 M3)
  • Separate the HTML validator into the org.eclipse.wst.html.core bundle so it can be used in headless tools [338111] (target milestone: 3.4 M4)
  • Color preview popup on CSS color hovering [360874] (target milestone: 3.4 M4)
  • Control+Space Bar doesn't auto-fill text when there's only one option [134073] (target milestone: 3.4 M5)
  • Use Linked Positions for cursor positioning in applied content assist proposals [264246] (target milestone: 3.4 M7)
No items.
No items.