The Language Server Protocol currently defined by the VSCode team at [1] is an effort to unify communication between editors (tools) and advanced language tooling.
[1] -
This project aims at providing a reusable Java implementation of VSCode's language server protocol. It implements the types as well as the communication, including serialization to and deserialization from JSON.
LSP4J is a Java implementation of VSCode's language server protocol intended to be consumed by tools and language servers implemented in Java.
No legal issues.
The Eclipse Foundation is a trusted open source foundation and hosts a number of potential clients of this project, such as (Eclipse Platform, JDT, Xtext, JSDT, etc.)
It is planned to keep up with the evolution of the language server protocol.
We intend to provide a first incubation release shortly after project creation.
- TypeFox (
- Codenvy (
- itemis (
- redhat (
- Aesthetic Integration (
The initial contribution is currently hosted at
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Pleease add Red Hat to interested parties
Submitted by Mickael Istria on Tue, 07/26/2016 - 12:51
Red Hat is definitely interested in this project and would like to be listed as interested parties.