Eclipse NeoSCADA 0.1.0

The first release of Eclipse SCADA.

The main focus is on the migration from openSCADA to Eclipse SCADA. Including cleanups, documentation, build infrastructure changes.

In addition bugs will be fixed.

Release Date
Release Type
Major release (API breakage)
Name Date Description
0.1.0-M2 2013/12/13
0.1.0-M3 2014/01/22 This is the first release with the new download layout.
0.1.0-M4 2014/03/05 This should be the last milestone release before the final release of 0.1.0.
0.1.0-M5 2014/03/25 This should be the last milestone release before the final release of 0.1.0. Some serious packaging issues were fixed from the M5 release.