Eclipse Tiaki

The Tiaki library provides Secure Service Discovery features in a command-line interface and SDK for Java (C coming soon - stay tuned!).

In a nutshell, those are the available functionalities:

  • list the available service types from a domain name
  • list the available service instances for a given type and domain name
  • lookup TLSA and TXT records for a domain name
  • verify that a domain name is DNSSEC-enabled
  • validate the integrity and authenticity of the data using DNSSEC
  • use your preferred DNS Recursive Resolver


Tiaki's Secure Service Discovery implementation is based on the IETF DNS-SD (RFC 6763) and the IETF DNSSEC (RFCs 40334034, and 4035).

The library performs the necessary DNS lookups and DNSSEC validation to ensure both the authenticity and integrity of the records.


It is available as a Java SDK or a command-line tool - see the download section.


Find out more about how Secure Service Discovery works on our github project.


Tiaki stands for "hold in trust, administer for others" in Maori. More info here.

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