Internet of Things (IoT)

The Eclipse IoT Working Group is a collaboration of industry and academic partners who are building a set of open source technology that will be the foundation for the Internet of Things (IoT). The focus of the collaboration is on building 1) open source implementations of IoT standards and protocols, 2) open source frameworks and services that will be used by IoT solutions, and 3) tools for IoT developers. This wiki page tracks the activities of the working group.

The web site is intended to be the source of information for people who want to use the Eclipse IoT technology.

Eclipse Duttile

Eclipse Duttile embrace the AgileConstellation mindset, which have the aim to extend the agile philosophy beyond the software/digital world. An IoT solution belongs to different technological domains

Eclipse 4diac™

Eclipse 4diac™ in its current form has been started 2007 as an open source project fostering the further development of IEC 61499 for its use in distributed Industrial Process Measurement and Control

Eclipse Diafanis

Eclipse Diafanis - the Mathematical Engine as a Service (e.g. for multi-party computations), 4.25 OAS3 SwaggerHub - WHY DO I NEED A

Eclipse Agail

The Eclipse Agail is a language-agnostic, modular software and hardware gateway framework for the Internet of Things with support for protocol interoperability, device and data management, IoT

Eclipse fog05

Early IoT applications, especially those addressing the consumer market, have been embracing cloud-centric architectures in which data is pushed up to the cloud. It is within the cloud the everything

Eclipse ioFog™

Eclipse ioFog™ is a complete edge computing platform that provides all of the pieces needed to build and run applications at the edge at enterprise scale. The diversity and complexity of edge hardware

Eclipse Californium (Cf) CoAP Framework

Eclipse Californium™ (Cf) is an open source implementation of the Constrained Application Protocol (CoAP). It is written in Java and targets unconstrained environments such as back-end service infrastructures (e.g., proxies, resource directories, or cloud services) and less constrained environments such as embedded devices running Linux (e.g., smart home/factory controllers or cellular gateways).

Eclipse ThreadX

Eclipse ThreadX® provides a vendor-neutral, open source, safety certified OS for real-time applications.

Eclipse Milo

OPC Unified Architecture is an interoperability standard that enables the secure and reliable exchange of industrial automation data while remaining cross-platform and vendor neutral. The

Eclipse MRAA

Conceived in 2014, the Eclipse MRAA project aims to deliver a high-level, easy-to-use set of APIs for I/O access on Linux* boards and systems, similar to Arduino* offerings for MCU boards. Initially

Eclipse OM2M

The Eclipse OM2M project is an open source implementation of the oneM2M standard. It provides a framework for developing services independently of the underlying network and aims to facilitate deployment of vertical applications and heterogeneous devices.

Eclipse OneOFour

The International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) 60870-5 standard is used for communication between SCADA systems and the subset IEC 60870-5-104 is specifying network access over TCP connections.

Eclipse Streamsheets™

With Eclipse Streamsheets™ the everyday technical or business end user can create stream processing applications just by using their existing spreadsheet knowledge (e.g. from Microsoft Excel or Google

Eclipse Tiaki

The Tiaki library provides Secure Service Discovery features in a command-line interface and SDK for Java (C coming soon - stay tuned!). In a nutshell, those are the available functionalities: list

Eclipse tinydtls

tinydtls is a library for Datagram Transport Layer Security (DTLS) covering both the client and the server state machine. It is implemented in C and provides support for the mandatory cipher suites


The Eclipse VOLTTRON software platform is Linux-based and capable of running on small, single-board computers as well as in the cloud. It deploys applications known as V-agents that gain access to

Eclipse Vorto

The Eclipse Vorto project comprises of the meta information model, the tool set to create information models, the code generators and the repository to manage existing information models. The meta

Eclipse Whiskers

Whiskers is an OGC SensorThings API framework consisting of a JavaScript client and a light-weight server for IoT gateways (e.g., Raspberry Pi). The SensorThings API is an OGC (Open Geospatial

Moquette MQTT

Moquette is a Java implementation of an MQTT 3.1 broker. Its code base is small. At its core, Moquette is an events processor; this lets the code base be simple, avoiding thread sharing issues. The

Eclipse Keti

Keti is a service that was designed to protect RESTfuls API using Attribute Based Access Control (ABAC). The solution itself is implemented as a cloud-native RESTful API that adheres to the guiding