Eclipse Tools for Cloud Foundry

Code Contribution

All developers are encouraged to contribute to this project. You can follow the steps below to start contributing code to the project:

  1. When you have some changes that you want to contribute to the Eclipse Tools for Cloud Foundry project, open a bugzilla under product ECD > CFT. Those changes can be bug fixes or feature enhancements.
  2. Fork the GitHub repository:
  3. Submit a pull request to request for the patch to be adopted.  Refer to the following links if you are not familiar with the steps on doing pull requests.
  4. Your pull request will be reviewed and adopted if accepted


Project Mailing List

If you have questions on the project, you can email to the project mailing list:


GitHub Organization

You can use the code from these repositories to experiment, test, build, create patches, issue pull requests, etc.

eclipse-cft - Project repository hosted on GitHub.