Eclipse Tools for Cloud Foundry


In Scope:

The scope of this project is to help users deploy and test their applications on Cloud Foundry without leaving their Eclipse integrated development environment. Instead of separately running builds and using the Cloud Foundry command line tool to deploy, scale, or configure applications on Cloud Foundry, developers are able to deploy application projects directly from within their Eclipse IDE, see the running applications on CF, bind or unbind services, scale them up or down, and debug them on CF.

Out of Scope:

This project does not deal with the development of Cloud Foundry as a platform itself and does not provide tooling to assist with that. Working on the CF open-source code itself is unrelated to this project, which focuses solely on users working with the Eclipse IDE and targeting a Cloud Foundry platform where they can deploy and test their applications.

Name Date
1.2.0 (Photon) 2018-06-27
1.1.2 (Oxygen.2) 2017-12-20
1.1.1 (Oxygen.1) 2017-09-27
1.1.0 (Oxygen) 2017-06-28
1.0.3 (Neon.3) 2017-03-23
1.0.2 (Neon.2) 2016-12-21
1.0.1 (Neon SR1) 2016-09-23
1.0 (Neon) 2016-06-23