The following API breakage occured in this release:
- [plugin] don't block web socket with many plugins 6252
- PluginModel does not have anymore contributes and dependencies to avoid sending unnecessary data.
- Use PluginReader.readContribution to load contributes.
- Use PluginReader.readDependencies to load dependencies.
- PluginMetadata does not have anymore raw package.json model to avoid sending excessive data to the frontend.
- theia.Plugin.packageJSON throws an unsupported error for frontend plugins as a consequence. Please convert to a backend plugin if you need access to it.
- PluginManagerExt.$init does not start plugins anymore, but only initialize the manager RPC services to avoid sending excessive initialization data, as all preferences, on each deployment.
- Please call $start to start plugins.
- PluginDeployerHandler.getPluginMetadata is replaced with PluginDeployerHandler.getPluginDependencies to access plugin dependencies.
- HostedPluginServer.getDeployedMetadata is replaced with HostedPluginServer.getDeployedPluginIds and HostedPluginServer.getDeployedPlugins to fetch first only ids of deployed plugins and then deployed metadata for only yet not loaded plugins.
- HostedPluginDeployerHandler.getDeployedFrontendMetadata and HostedPluginDeployerHandler.getDeployedBackendMetadata are replaced withHostedPluginDeployerHandler.getDeployedFrontendPluginIds, HostedPluginDeployerHandlergetDeployedBackendPluginIds and HostedPluginDeployerHandler.getDeployedPlugin to featch first only ids and then deplyoed metadata fro only yet not loaded plugins.
- PluginHost.init can initialize plugins asynchronous, synchronous initialization is still supported.
- HostedPluginReader.doGetPluginMetadata is renamed to HostedPluginReader.getPluginMetadata.
- PluginDebugAdapterContribution.languages, PluginDebugAdapterContribution.getSchemaAttributes and PluginDebugAdapterContribution.getConfigurationSnippets are removed to prevent sending the contributions second time to the frontend. Debug contributions are loaded statically from the deployed plugin metadata instead. The same for corresponding methods in DebugExtImpl.
- PluginModel does not have anymore contributes and dependencies to avoid sending unnecessary data.
- [task] removed watchedConfigFileUris, watchersMap watcherServer, fileSystem, configFileUris, watchConfigurationFile() and unwatchConfigurationFile() from TaskConfigurations class. 6268
- [task] removed configurationFileFound from TaskService class. 6268
- [core][monaco][task] aligh ActionProvider related entities with VS Code. 6302