Eclipse EE4J


The initial scope of the EE4J project during late CY2017 and early CY2018 is to transition existing Java EE 8 technologies to the project and to define processes for evolving the platform:

  • A core set of Java EE 8 technologies, including GlassFish technologies, and Java EE technologies for which Oracle is the specification lead, forms the initial core of the EE4J platform.  
  • This core includes sources for Java EE 8 Reference Implementations (RIs), Technology Compatibility Kits, project build and test scripts, and product documentation sufficient to build a documented RI from Eclipse Enterprise for Java sources and other software available in open source.
  • Some of the EE4J API implementations and technology compatibility kits continue to be available in other open source projects.
  • The initial Eclipse Enterprise for Java RI is compatible with GlassFish 5.0, and passes Java EE 8 compatibility tests transitioned to EE4J.    

EE4J defines a process for evolving the platform, including updating existing APIs, implementations, and technology compatibility kits, as well as creating new APIs, implementations, and technology compatibility kits. The goal of platform evolution is to enable ongoing delivery, over time, of compatible Java runtime implementations that meet the needs of developers and administrators of server-side and cloud-native applications.  In addition to providing an integrated platform, many EE4J projects and technologies can be run standalone in Java SE environments.

EE4J is open to incorporation, integration, and support for innovations that enhance the development, deployment, and management of server-side and cloud-native applications.  These include innovations introduced in other open source projects, including closely related projects.   Eclipse MicroProfile is such a project that EE4J will review as a source of innovations for incorporation into EE4J.

The projects under this top-level project will be implemented in Java. These projects support many different hardware, OS, and database environments to meet the needs of developers, administrators, application end users, vendors, and partners.   

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