Eclipse Californium (Cf) CoAP Framework 2.0.0

Release Date

Californium is provided as a set of Java archives (jar files) which can be employed by applications to exchange information using CoAP.

In particular, the following components are provided

  • californium-core - the generic CoAP stack implementation
  • element-connector - the default UDP based transport layer
  • element-connector-tcp-netty - the TCP/TLS based transport layer (experimental)
  • scandium - a DTLS 1.2 based transport layer providing encrypted communication over UDP
  • californium-osgi - helper classes supporting the usage of Californium in OSGi environments

Californium 2.0.0 is not binary compatible with previous releases. Some of the public API has been changed so that existing code needs to be adapted accordingly.

Target Environments

Californium can be used on any plattform supporting

  • standard JRE 7 or higher or
  • Android 4.4 or higher
    • Please Note: depending on the android supported TLS cipher suites, proper certificates may be required if TLS is used!