Eclipse Californium (Cf) CoAP Framework 3.10.0

The minor release 3.10.0 comes with initial support for RFC5705 - Keying Material Exporters for Transport Layer Security (TLS) and a couple of dependencies updates. Updating logback fixes some CVE. It deprecates also some stuff, especially the export of slf4j in the API.

  • e0e31849e 2023-12-23 Add details of left handshake message to logging.
  • 4739c730f 2023-12-22 Improve some warning logs
  • 26c4a1fcb 2023-12-19 Add info about logback.
  • 7beb14230 2023-11-30 Deprecate exposed logger and replace them by local instances.
  • 4f872c13f 2023-12-04 Update bouncy-castle to 1.77.
  • 830fdc810 2023-12-04 Update io.netty dependency to 4.1.101.
  • ff3e068dc 2023-12-02 Update logback and picocli dependencies.
  • 1751069a9 2022-06-03 Add tinydtls CCM interoperability tests.
  • 5195d58da 2023-11-09 Cleanup deprecation warnings.
  • 1c418621c 2023-09-25 Add support for key material export.
  • 55fe55d18 2023-10-27 Fix type as proposed in PR #2190.
  • c698ee3cd 2023-10-23 Relax timeouts for NAT integration tests.
  • 024345cb8 2023-10-26 Use assume for expired client certificate tests.
  • 057e98cba 2023-10-26 Update demo certificates.
  • a525d5585 2023-10-18 Update developer data.
  • f1a07ef9a 2023-09-28 Fail on malformed RST.
  • 4efe9cee4 2023-09-27 OSCORE: Link target attribute
  • 8b3ac509a 2023-09-28 Fix javadoc.
  • 507d75c54 2022-04-14 OSCORE: Improvements to functionality for secure context re-generation
  • 381881640 2023-09-19 Fix blockwise follow-up responses for requests with changed source address.
  • 12e6f68ed 2023-09-18 Update maven-javadoc-plugin to 3.6.0.
  • 0d0af7e76 2023-09-17 Downgrade eclipse-jarsigner-plugin to 1.3.5.
  • dac381b13 2023-09-16 Revert update of maven-surefire-plugin.
  • 13acbd5f8 2023-09-14 Update maven plugins.
  • 30a1d4bf7 2023-09-14 Update README and SECURITY to 3.9.1.
  • d12ead6ab 2023-09-12 Fix Option REQUEST_TAG.
  • 5eb60181d 2023-09-04 Bugfix missing peer address in onDrop.
  • 6e732518a 2023-09-01 Add mime parameter to media types.
  • bf1bf7945 2023-07-24 Fix deprecation of LeastRecentlyUsedCache.Predicate.
Release Date
Release Type
Minor release