Version 6.0.0 is a new major release; it updates the features names, the bundles names, the Java Packages and the large majority of IDs to org.eclipse.embedcdt; it also updates the content used by the Arm templates plug-ins, including the STM template to the latest STM packages.
Fore more details, please read the project web release pages:
- Eclipse IDE for Embedded C/C++ Developers 2020-12 released (for installing a new Eclipse)
- Eclipse Embedded CDT plug-ins v6.0.0 released (for updating the plug-ins on an existing Eclipse)
No architectural issues.
No security issues.
The documentation is published in the new project web.
No usability issues.
No End-of-Life components.
No standards compliance issues.
The user community uses the project forum. Developers use the embed-cdt-dev list.