Eclipse Ignite|IoT

The Ignite|IoT methodology has two main perspectives:

  • IoT Strategy Execution: This perspective looks at IoT strategy from an enterprise perspective, including IoT strategy definition, IoT opportunity identification, IoT business case and IoT programme management.
  • IoT Solution Delivery: This perspective looks at the individual IoT solution and the related project. Note that it defines the interfaces to the related asset and its organization, but usually excludes design and manufacturing of the asset itself.


The Ignite|IoT solution delivery perspective is currently the more detailed one and can be broken down as follows:

  • IoT Solution Lifecycle: This perspective focuses on planning, building and running IoT solutions.
  • IoT Building Blocks: This perspective contains re-usable artifacts from successful projects, including Project Dimensions, Architecture Blueprints and Technology Profiles.
  • IoT Project DB: This is a database of reference projects that have been analyzed in order to extract best practices for the IoT building blocks and the Solution Lifecycle Perspective.

The IoT Solution Lifecycle contains the following elements:

  • Initial Project Design: This design blueprint builds on the elements defined as part of the generic IoT Building Blocks, including project self-assessment using Project Dimensions, solution architecture leveraging Architecture Blueprints and technology selection leveraging Technology Profiles.
  • Project Work streams: This blueprint defined the top level Work streams typically found in an IoT solution project. A checklist for each Work stream is provided, plus a list of common dependencies between the Work steams.

The IoT Building Blocks consist of the following elements:

  • Project Dimensions: This is a precursor of formal project requirements. Project dimensions are used for project self-assessment, project comparisons, architecture and technology selection, etc.
  • Architecture Blueprints: Building on existing architecture blueprints (e.g. Service Oriented Architecture), this adds new architectural perspectives required for IoT project and provides a superstructure to integrate the different required architectural perspectives.
  • Technology Profiles: Identifies and describes the most important technologies usually required for IoT projects. Leverages IoT architecture perspectives to describe where in the overall IoT architecture these different technologies fit in. Attempts to link back to project dimensions to support technology selection.
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