Eclipse Yasham

Eclipse Yasham is an Open & Extensible Cloud-Native Smart Living Platform for Consumer IoT.

Some features at a glance

  • Server Side API Gateway (REST API)
    • Service Registration and discovery
    • Caching and Logging
    • Authentication and Authorization
    • Transport security and Request dispatching with transport transformation
    • Load balancing
    • Providing central endpoint for acquiring service data
  • Notification Management
    • Central management for notifications
    • Mobile App notifications
    • SMS & Email Notifications
    • Alarming functionalities
  • Cloud Adapters
    • Central integration point for cloud-to-cloud integrations
    • Adapters based design pattern (like Eclipse SmartHome Binding concept just for the cloud)
    • Adapter template mechanism to “plug-in” into the Yasham platform
    • Flexible and modular extension point to add new smart home, smart living solutions
    • A programmable approach for smart living integrations
    • Management of cloud-to-cloud connections
  • Service Orchestration (Rules Engine)
    • A fllexible, cloud based rule engine that allows to model complex scenarios
    • Management and configuration of rules
    • Pre-configured rules templates for easy adoption
    • Trigger rules based on certain cloud or device events (e.g. time based)
  • ...
Industry Collaborations
Eclipse Public License 2.0

The content of this open source project is received and distributed under the license(s) listed above. Some source code and binaries may be distributed under different terms. Specific license information is provided in file headers and in NOTICE files distributed with the project's binaries.

Active Member Companies

Member companies supporting this project over the last three months.