Eclipse Extended Editing Framework (EEF) 1.3.0

The 1.3.0 Release of the Extended Editing Framework will be focused on improving the user experience for editing emf models. On this purpose, new widgets will be added to the runtime. These widgets will improve model editing on two axis :

  • Navigation through the model element
  • Look and feel

As for the other releases, the 1.3 version of EEF will provide a new set of bug fixes.


Release Date
This release is part of Luna
Name Date Description
RC1 2013/11/18 First Release Candidate. This will be a fork of the 1.2 stream including all features developed for this release.
RC2 2013/11/20 Second Release Candidate.
RC3 2013/11/22 Final Release Candidate.
Final 2013/11/30 1.3 Release