Eclipse eTrice 0.1.0

Release Date

The release deliverables consist of the following items:

  • eTrice modeling tools (includes runtime, sources, tutorial and documentation) (ZIP file download and update site).
  • eTrice Java middleware and model library (no download but installable by a New Wizard shipped with eTrice).
  • eTrice tests (no download, executed in central Hudson build)

There is no previous release.


eTrice aims at real-time and embedded developers. All texts come by default in English only, no internationalization is planned.

Target Environments

In order to remain up-to-date, each Eclipse release targets reasonably current versions of the underlying operating environments. The eTrice project depends upon the Platform and other projects, which are mostly "pure" Java. The 0.1.0 release of the eTrice Project is written and compiled against the Indigo release train APIs, and targeted to run on version 1.6 of the Java Runtime Environment, Standard Edition. eTrice will be tested and validated against a subset of target environments listed for the platform.


Deliver State-of-the-Art Model Editors

Using eTrice model editors should be fond. We strive to deliver state-of-the-art textual and graphical editors from the first release on.

Create a Code Generator for Java as Target Language

Java was chosen as the first supported target language (the ROOM "detail level language") because it is fairly simple to use and portable. Systems with moderate real-time requirements should be in scope of this. The first release of the Java generator will support all features of the modeling language implemented so far.

Provide a Java Middleware Supporting Simple Real-Time Systems

The Java middleware is the counterpart of the Java generator. The first version will support all features of the modeling language implemented so far.

Create Documentation and Tutorials to Give a Smooth Introduction into Modeling and Tooling

A good documentation and tutorials are a crucial prerequisite for the adoption of the tooling. So we strive to deliver both in a good quality from the beginning on.