Eclipse OCL (Object Constraint Language) 6.4.0 Photon

This minor release has concentrated internally on bug fixes and extensibility support for OCL-based languages such as QVT.

External influences have required the project to migrate from Buckminster to Tycho, and to add support for the EAnnotationValidators introduced by EMF 2.14. EAnnotationValidator support motivated the addition of a conventional Eclipse-style OCL Nature and Builder.

Release Date
Release Type
Minor release
This release is part of Eclipse Photon
Name Date Description
M1 2017/08/07
M2 2017/09/18
M3 2017/10/31
M4 2017/12/11
M5 2018/01/29
M6 2018/03/12
M7 2018/05/14
RC1 2018/05/21
RC2 2018/05/28
RC3 2018/06/04
RC4 2018/06/11