Papyrus is aiming at providing an integrated and user-consumable environment for editing any kind of EMF model and particularly supporting UML and related modeling languages such as SysML and MARTE. Papyrus provides diagram editors for EMF-based modeling languages amongst them UML 2 and SysML and the glue required for integrating these editors (GMF-based or not) with other MBD and MDSD tools.
Papyrus also offers a very advanced support of UML profiles that enables users to define editors for DSLs based on the UML 2 standard. The main feature of Papyrus regarding this latter point is a set of very powerful customization mechanisms which can be leveraged to create user-defined Papyrus perspectives and give it the same look and feel as a "pure" DSL editor.
This release, version 1.0.0, marks a highlight of the Papyrus story. This release is indeed characterized not only by new features but also by major advances in performance, usability and robustness. It is fair to say that, with this release, the Papyrus project has reached true adulthood while its product has developed into a mature industrial-strength facility.
The project leadership certifies that the APIs in this release are "Eclipse Quality".
The architecture of Papyrus has been designed to be highly customizable and extenssible either via specific extension points or via basic framework enabling to define generic services (see details here https://wiki.eclipse.org/MDT/Papyrus/Developer_Guide/Architecture).
Papyrus is currently built on the Eclipse Hudson shared server. A "nightly" is built against Luna several times a day when the SCM polling sees a change from the last build. The results are automatically published at well-defined URLs, as described on the Papyrus website. Based on the results of the first job, a second job is automatically launched to test the deployment of Papyrus on a new platform, build a series of 8500+ JUnit tests and run them. The same pattern is building and testing the “extra” components of Papyrus. These components are not part of the official distribution, but that can be easily installed from Papyrus. They provide new languages and new components for specific usages of the tool.
A migration to a new HIPP server for Papyrus is ongoing. At the same time, Papyrus project is switching to a tycho/maven based build. The main goal here is to rely on the Common Build Infrastructure.
Gerrit is used for almost all external contributions. The contributions are currently build on the HIPP for Papyrus. We are currently working on running also the test jobs against these contributions.
The complete documentation is published for each release on the Papyrus website. It includes the detailed release notes for all changes between releases.
Papyrus 1.0.0 does not remove many APIs from previous releases. Some plugins (org.eclipse.papyrus.core.queries.configuration.*) have been removed from the main plugin area and from the distribution. As they have not been used in the official release, no user can be impacted by such modifications.
Some documentation plugins have been moved in the repository to the documentation area, with no impact on users.
More removal of deprecated APIs are planned for the next major release, especially for evolution between 3.X and 4.X versions of the Eclipse platform.
Papyrus provides a support to following standards:
- OMG::UML 2.5
- OMG::SysML 1.2
- OMG::MARTE 1.1
- ISO 42010
Papyrus adopters community (sorted in alphabetical order):
- All4Tec
- Ericsson
- Esterelle
- SolutionsIQ
- ST micro electronics
- Sherpa Engineering
- Spacebel
- Zeligsoft
Papyrus users community
- Airbus Group
- Ericsson
- Polarsys
- Spacebel
- ST
Papyrus committers community
- Arnaud Cuccuru (CEA)
- Christian Damus (independant)
- Arthur Daussy (ATOS)
- Saadia Dhouib (CEA)
- Cedric Dumoulin (LIFL)
- Raphael Faudou (Samares, project co leader)
- Tristan Faure (ATOS)
- Sebastien Gerard (CEA, project main leader)
- Camille Letavernier (CEA)
- Vincent Lorenzo (CEA)
- Chokri Mraidha (CEA)
- Florian Noyrit (CEA)
- Ansgar Radermacher (CEA)
- Remi Schnekenburger (CEA)
- Patrick Tessier (CEA)
- Mathieu Velten (ATOS)
Papyrus contributors community
- Mickael ADAM (All4Tec)
- Boutheina Bannour (CEA Tech/List)
- Ronan Baret (Ercisson)
- Jean-Michel Bruel (IRIT)
- Andrew Eidsness (Zeligsfot)
- Maged Elaasar (Crossplatform Software)
- Michael Golubev (Montages AG)
- Per-Arne Gussander (Nigus)
- Patrik Nandorf (Ericsson)
- Gabriel Pascual (All4Tec)
- Charles Rivet (Zeligsoft)
- Ed Seidewitz (Ivar Jacobson Intl.)
- Bran Selic (Malina Sofware Corp.)
- Toni Siljamaki (Ercisson)
- Laurent Wouters (CEA)