Eclipse Papyrus 4.4.0

Papyrus has for the version 4.4:


  • SysML 1.6 make profile
  • The SysML requirement diagram shall be implemented
  • The SysML Parametric diagram shall be implemented
  • The SysML BDD shall be implemented
  • The SysML IBD shall be implemented
  • The SysML requirement table shall be implemented
  • The SysML Graphical element type shall be implemented
  • The SysML AF shall be implemented
  • The SysML allocation Matrix shall be implemented
  • The elementype of SysML 1.6 shall be implemented
  • Make SysML 1.6 open source
  • The SysML model explorer customization shall be implemented
  • Add written OCL constraints
  • Implement E3 of SysML 1.6
  • Update SysML 1.6 diagram of profile
  • Add Icon for conjugated Interface block
  • Add compartment of Conjugated Interfaceblock inside BDD
  • Be able to use Eclemma
  • The SysML Junit Test shall be implemented
  • Papyrus shall support the migration from SysML 1.4 to 1.6

Papyrus toolsmith

  • validation of plugins:
    • you have done your profile to customize papyrus, but you forget extension point, build.xml, dependencies. We have done a work not only to validate profile but the plugin that contains the profile
    • the work has also be done for plugins that contain elementTypes model.

Improve developer experience to use plugin org.eclipse.papyrus.infra.core.sasheditor

  • Decrease the usage of internal elcipse code
    • Papyrus has developed at the beginning a new kind of editor compnoent sasheditor. To be more stable, we have ask to open api to eclipse in order to improve integration to eclipse.
  • Dedicated API have been created from use cases in order to help developer to access to this graphical composite; add a new editor inside papyrus, get active editor...
    • These usecases will be published inside a plugin developer doc :
      • It is will be like a javadoc that has a list of use cases and references API that implement these usecases.


  • Papyrus will provide a documentation generator targeting LibreOffice file (odt).
  • This generator will allow to the user to describe how to cross the UML model to create the document
  • This generator will allow to the user to define a document template to use for the generation
  • This generator will support image and table insertion.
Release Date
Release Type
Minor release
This release is part of Eclipse IDE 2019-09