Eclipse Papyrus 4.7.0

Papyrus has seen the following changes for the version 4.7,

Improve Papyrus Documentation :

  • Improve existing Papyrus table documentation to explain how to override displayed labels.

Improve Papyrus Tables :

  • Tool to easily register an existing tableconfiguration file into an existing architecture file.
  • Add editors to allow the creation of elements using the ElementTypes framework.
  • Add support for cell editors displayed with one or several buttons.
  • Add support for an empty line in the table (but there is no way to get empty lines for the user in the provided tables).

Bugs fixes :

  • Patch a selection problem in the Sequence diagram after adding Found Messages.
  • Patch SWT exceptions due to mishandled reload listeners in the model explorer coupled with bad widget focus.
Release Date
Release Type
Minor release
This release is part of Eclipse IDE 2020-06