0.13.0 Neon
The prototype Epsilon QVTr to QVTc to QVTu to QVTm to QVTp via QVTs to QVTi chain has been replaced by direct Java code.
A couple of QVTc and QVTr examples work both using interpreted and code generated Java.
However the chain is not yet mature enough for more than experimental use; graduation to 1.0.0 must wait a little longer.
OMG QVT is an extension of OMG OCL, and Eclipse QVTd is an extension of Eclipse OCL. The re-used metamodels and Xtext grammars result in a very tight coupling between Eclipse QVTd and Eclipse OCL.
The build uses Buckminster on the OCL HIPP.
The run-time is compatible with the Xtext from 2.3.1 to 2.10. The incompatible Xtext 2.9 API changes require that Xtext <= 2.8.4 is used to regenerate the QVTd Xtext editors.
The Xtext-based editors provide a conventional editing experience.
The transformation chain to support compilation is nominally available, but in a very preliminary state suitable only for researchers and experimenters.
There are no specific end of life concerns for this release.
OMG QVT 1.3 (http://www.omg.org/spec/QVT/1.3/)
The QVTd newsgroup has a low level of traffic (20 messages per year).
More messages occur by mistake on other newgroups.