0.15.0 Photon
External influences have forced the build to migrate from Buckminster to Tycho, diverting resources from the goal of achieving a 1.0.0 quality release for Photon.
The difficult QVTr issue of relation overriding now has a useful but not full functional solution..
The QVTr to QVTc to QVTu to QVTm to QVTp via QVTs to QVTi chain has evolved by converting direct from QVTr to QVTs avoiding the need tio express QVTr idoms in laguages that do not support them..
A few QVTc, QVTr and UMLX examples work both using interpreted and code generated Java.
However the chain is not yet mature enough for more than experimental use; graduation to 1.0.0 must wait a little longer.
The project leadership certifies that the APIs in this release are "Eclipse Quality".
OMG QVT is an extension of OMG OCL, and Eclipse QVTd is an extension of Eclipse OCL. The re-used metamodels and Xtext grammars result in a very tight coupling between Eclipse QVTd and Eclipse OCL.
The build uses Tycho on the OCL HIPP.
The run-time is compatible with Xtext 2.9 and greater.
The Sirius and Xtext-based editors provide a conventional editing experience.
The transformation chain to support compilation is nominally available, but in a very preliminary state suitable only for researchers and experimenters.
There are no specific end of life concerns for this release.
OMG QVT 1.3 (http://www.omg.org/spec/QVT/1.3/)
The QVTd newsgroup has a very low level of traffic (2 messages last year).
More messages occur by mistake on other newgroups.