Eclipse SmartMDSD™

This Eclipse SmartMDSD™ provides an Eclipse-based Integrated Development Environment (IDE) for robotics software development. The SmartMDSD Toolchain provides support and guidance to apply best-practices for the development of individual software building blocks, as well as their composition to robotics applications and systems. This project will maintain the eclipse-based tooling with its internal implementation (e.g. meta-models, code-generators).

Underlying methodology

The SmartMDSD Toolchain supports various users in applying the necessary robotics structures to enable composition in an overall robotics ecosystem. More precisely, the SmartMDSD Toolchain enables domain experts to model shared robotics domain knowledge, component suppliers to develop and supply individual software components, and system builders to flexibly combine and re-combine (i.e. “compose”) these components to new applications considering individual system-requirements.

Main target is the SmartSoft Framework

The SmartMDSD Toolchain will mainly support the “SmartSoft Framework”, a service-oriented component-based robotics communication framework as one of the main underlying execution environments. However, it also outreaches to other initiatives such as the ROS framework and OPC UA.

The SmartMDSD Toolchain conforms to the structures proposed by the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme “RobMoSys” ( and BMWi/PAiCE “SeRoNet” (

For more information, see the following resources:

Latest Releases

From 2022-04-04 to 2020-07-30

Name Date Review
3.19 2022-04-04
3.18 2021-12-15
3.17 2021-10-19
3.16 2021-03-09
3.15 2020-11-09
3.14 2020-07-30
Eclipse Public License 2.0

The content of this open source project is received and distributed under the license(s) listed above. Some source code and binaries may be distributed under different terms. Specific license information is provided in file headers and in NOTICE files distributed with the project's binaries.

Active Member Companies

Member companies supporting this project over the last three months.