Eclipse Communications Framework

Contribution Activity
Commits on this project (last 12 months)
Individual Contribution Activity
Commits on this project by individuals over the last three months.
Organization Contribution Activity
Commits on this project by supporting organization over the last three months.
Active Member Companies

Member companies supporting this project over the last three months.

    Project Leads

    Scott Lewis's picture

    Scott Lewis


    Mat Booth's picture

    Mat Booth

    Wim Jongman's picture

    Wim Jongman

    Harshana Eranga Martin's picture

    Harshana Eranga Martin

    Jan S. Rellermeyer's picture

    Jan S. Rellermeyer

    Markus Kuppe's picture

    Markus Kuppe

    Scott Lewis's picture

    Scott Lewis


    Scott Lewis's picture

    Scott Lewis

    Historical Committers

    Sebastian Schmidt's picture

    Sebastian Schmidt

    Pavel Samolisov's picture

    Pavel Samolisov

    Nuwan Samarasekera's picture

    Nuwan Samarasekera

    Clark Hobbie's picture

    Clark Hobbie

    Dann Martens's picture

    Dann Martens

    Holger Staudacher's picture

    Holger Staudacher

    Bjorn Freeman-Benson's picture

    Bjorn Freeman-Benson

    Moritz Post's picture

    Moritz Post

    Mustafa Isik's picture

    Mustafa Isik

    Marcelo Mayworm's picture

    Marcelo Mayworm

    Ted Kubaska's picture

    Ted Kubaska

    Peter Mackie's picture

    Peter Mackie

    Peter Nehrer's picture

    Peter Nehrer

    Remy Suen's picture

    Remy Suen

    Roland Ndaka Fru's picture

    Roland Ndaka Fru

    Pierre-Henry Perret's picture

    Pierre-Henry Perret

    Chris Aniszczyk's picture

    Chris Aniszczyk