Eclipse Common Build Infrastructure Maven Plugins 1.1.5

Maven Plugins 1.1.5


This is a maintenance release.

The most visible changes are the addition of Flatpak packager plugin.

Artifacts are available from and

The documentation is available at (and also available from the aliases and

Other changes:

  • Bug 532722 - Add wall timeout to all plugins doing remote call to web services (jarsigner, dmg-packager, ...). There is no timeout by default. One can configure it by adding <timeoutMillis> in the plugins configurations. 
  • Add sigFile option to jarsigner plugin. Users can now specify the filename of the signature block files that will be created by the jarsigner binary on the server. See -sigFile option on the jarsigner documentation page.
  • Update Maven plugins to latest versions
  • Update Jetty dependency to Jetty to 9.4.8 (for testing)

Fixed bugs:

Conforms To UI/UX Guidelines
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