Eclipse EclEmma 3.0.0

This is the first release under the umbrella of the Eclipse Foundation.

EclEmma is now a official project and included in several Eclipse Oxygen (4.7) packages ("Eclipse IDE for Java Developers", "Eclipse IDE for Java EE Developers" and "Eclipse IDE for Eclipse Committers").

Among other improvements and fixes following ones deserve special mention:

  • HiDPI icons
  • Upgrade to JaCoCo 0.7.9 that provides support for Java 9 Early Access builds


Release Date
Release Type
Major release (API breakage)
This release is part of Eclipse Oxygen
Name Date Description
M1 2016/11/04 To join the Oxygen simultaneous release train prior to its M4 (9 Dec).
M2 2017/01/30 For contribution to Oxygen M5+3 (30 Jan).
M3 2017/05/09 For contribution to Oxygen M7+3 (17 May).
RC 2017/06/14 For contribution to Oxygen RC4 +3 (14 Jun).