There've been 2 main objectives for this release:
- Move codebase from Github to Eclipse.org
- Add support for Kepler and make it the default target for tooling and runtime component
Both of these objectives have been accomplished and additional features have been implemented and bugs haven been fixed - 99 tickets fixed (bugzilla query). 72 remain open (bugzilla query).
There are no known security issues
While transfering the codebase from github to Eclipse.org we also migrated the following stuff to Eclipse.org
- Custom wiki to http://wiki.eclipse.org/Efxclipse (finished)
- Google Group to Eclipse Forum
- Move our build from local jenkins instance to hudson.eclipse.org
We've been at various conferences (EclipseCon NA, JaX) and demo camps (Zürich, Munich and Vienna) showing of the tooling and runtime platform built on top of the Eclipse 4 Application Platform
While the version number is still below 1.0.0 the tooling is stable and used already in many projects and so does the runtime platform. The main reason for having a version of 0.9.0 is that the API provided is not yet finalized and appropriately documented.
None of the components are EoL because this is the first release at Eclipse.org
From a community point of view we see:
- User: There's a steady flow of questions on the google group, the Eclipse Forum has not yet taken the same momentum
- Adopter: We see more and more people adopting and or evaluating the runtime platform for their own e4 RCP projects
- Developer: We've received already code contributions from an external party, contribution a completely new feature