Eclipse EGit: Git Integration for Eclipse 4.2


  • Support for symlinks in compare editor
  • Improve auto-filling the repository URL from clipboard in clone wizard
  • Make "Fetch from gerrit" trim input text
  • Harmonize menus
    • Remove the restriction on a single-element selection if selection belongs to one repository
    • Enable more actions also for working sets(Push to Upstream, Fetch from Upstream, Pull, and Reset)
    • Enable Team->Repository->Pull when file or folder is selected
  • Git Repositories Dialog should give the repository filter text focus
  • Do not wrap commit message footer lines
  • Use available space in Rebase Interactive view
  • Pre-select local branch if a commit is selected which multiple branches but only one local branch refer to
  • Configurable date format used consistently throughout EGit, new preference page to configure date format
  • Make the IgnoreOperation work for non-workspace files.
  • Enable diff on double-click from staged area for non-workspace files
  • Refresh status if a file outside the workspace was edited in Eclipse
  • Allow to open external files in the editor directly from Staging view
  • Make diff from staging view also work for files not in the workspace

GitHub Client

  • Add the ReleaseEvent and its corresponding Payload

  • Enable getting owners of an organization

  • Implement starring API

Performance improvements

  • Removed TreeIterators using Eclipse resource model, this improves status performance by factor 5-10 on Mac/Linux (observed no effect on Windows)
  • Don't explicitly refresh Eclipse project when auto-sharing a project

Release engineering and build

  • Use @Nullable annotations to aid detection of NPEs at design time
  • Use shared license feature


Release Date
Release Type
Minor release