Eclipse EGit: Git Integration for Eclipse 4.7.0

EGit Features

  • Sort branches by name in ref content assist
  • Fetch from Gerrit: checkout branch after resolving checkout conflicts
  • Prevent creation of invalid git config keys
  • Don't use 3 way compare if the common ancestor is same as one side
  • Added branch normalizer to branch rename dialog
  • Normalize the branch name in the CreateBranchWizard
  • Enable importing multiple projects from working tree
  • Improve sorting of FileDiffs
  • Staging view should react on editor activation
  • Improve reporting from background fetch and push jobs
  • Remove double border of CommitMessageArea in staging view
  • Give the PushResultDialog an image.
  • Display logical line numbers in DiffEditorPage
  • Provide a way to configure RepositoryChangeScanner interval
  • RepositoryChangeScanner should not query all repos if UI is not active


  • Cleanup progress monitor management throughout EGit
  • Cleanup duplicate code: Unify saving in preference pages
  • Cleanup duplicate code: Unify pattern creation for content assist
  • Cleanup duplicate code: Unify scheduling of merge jobs
  • Cleanup duplicate code: Unify branch/ref content assist handling
  • Cleanup of defaultHandlers

Build and Release Engineering

  • Upgrade maven plugins
  • Update target platform to jetty 9.3.17.v20170317
  • Update com.jcraft.jsch to 0.1.54
  • Update build to use Tycho 1.0.0
  • Add missing dependency to org.slf4j to org.eclipse.egit.ui
  • Update Orbit to S20170306214312 
  • Add org.eclipse.jgit.junit feature to test classpath of ui tests


Release Date
Release Type
Minor release