Eclipse EGit: Git Integration for Eclipse 5.1.0

This release will be shipped with the simultaneous release 2018-09


  • 339796 History table: let the user define which columns are shown
  • 529850 Github client: Get user's teams across GitHub organizations

Usability Improvements

  • 538322 Allow horizontal space in file:// URIishs in GitUrlChecker
  • 536205 Restrict visibility of Gitflow menu items
  • 538505 Focus file list in commit editor
  • 537931 Commit editor: Abbreviate parent SHA-1 with 7 characters
  • Reorder reflog view context menu
  • 538490 Icon for "Stash Changes..." menu
  • 538502 Have ellipsis at "Create patch" menu
  • 538488 Sort upstream branch configuration case insensitive
  • Focus default button in PullResultDialog
  • Radio button style configuration selection of repository properties
  • 537200 [staging] use icons for author and committer
  • 537690 Sort branches before tags in pull result dialog
  • 537482 Use multi-line text fields for merge and rebase result dialogs
  • 537672 Commit Editor: use proper create branch and create tag icons
  • 536324 Handle cancellation of rename detection
  • 537181 History table: adapt column widths when view size changes
  • 536863 - No feedback on "Import changed projects"
  • Add 2 missing icons for cherry-pick and rename branch entrie in reflog
  • 536799 Disable "Compare with previous" for deletions
  • Mark more jobs as system or user
  • 463906 Better default editor opening for file revisions
  • 536360 Sort decoration variables alphabetically
  • 535577 Normalize tag name when typing
  • 536236 Move clean menu item before garbage collect menu item
  • 536097 Set RepositoryPropertyPage zero pixel margin
  • 535678 Improve share wizard window title
  • 536204 Sort gerrit remote refs naturally
  • 535742 History view: Activate compare mode by default
  • 535160 Reveal newly created entry in configuration editor
  • 533596 Do not display "[NO-HEAD]" for empty repository
  • Complete the hovers in the history view
    • On the commit ID column, display the full SHA1 and the short commit message.
    • On the message column, display the short message if not over a ref.
  • 535171 FetchGerritChangePage: automatic content-assist on paste
  • 537469 Add missing blank in github wizard labels

Performance Improvements

  • Avoid more UI freezes in ReflogView: redraw once only
  • Avoid UI blocks in ReflogView
  • 536814 Use an asynchronous lightweight decorator in the repositories view
  • 485743 Avoid that loading the history blocks updating the commit table
  • 440588, 485743 Git history page: move expensive operations in the background
    • Computing the file diffs
    • Preparing to load the history
  • 535950 Batch resource refreshes
  • 535856 Speed up staging view tree viewer management
  • Reload commit info in history only if selection really changed

Bug Fixes

  • 538855 Don't log an error on save in comparisons if resource out of sync
  • 538846 Don't auto-refresh projects with missing .project file
  • Gitflow: Fix that EGit allowed starting features with diverging develop branches
  • 538492 Fix NPE in git model synchronization
  • 537959 Fix layout and title in CommitSelectionDialog
  • 537937 Replace PlotWalk usage by RevWalk
  • Fix comparison of SWTCommit to detect changed selection
  • 537813 Avoid refresh on up-to-date pull operation
  • 537900 Remove "Change-Id" line properly on CR-LF operating systems
  • 537492 Fix filter in reflog view
  • 537790 Ensure that JSch knows HostKeyAlgorithms ssh-rsa and ssh-dss
  • 537331 Hide $GIT_DIR and friends from JGit
  • Fix wrapping label in DateFormatPreferencePage
  • 536880 Ensure IProjects are not refreshed via IFile handles
  • 536799 Fix "Compare with Previous" in history view and commit editor outline
  • 536471 Fix error marker updates in staging view
  • 533019 Staging view: update author/committer on config changes
  • 536472 Do not refresh projects that use a PessimisticResourceRuleFactory
  • 536357 Fix history preference page field editor layout
  • 533005 Disable commit buttons immediately on committing
  • 536356 Fix DatePreferencePage which did not wrap explanation label
  • 536240 Fix sort order in Staging view
  • 535749 Fix StagingView which wrongly sorted by state initially
  • 532940 History search: use CSS for text field background color
  • 535796 Fix CommitUI.getSelectedFiles()
  • 531489 Add version tag prefix for closing gitflow hotfix

Build and Release Engineering

  • Fixed: GitFlow test launch config: Added missing dependencies
  • Update Orbit 2018-09 to R20180905201904
  • 538414 Use new TPD update site
  • Update Photon orbit repository to R20180606145124
  • Update to spotbugs 3.1.6
  • Organize OSGi manifests
  • Update Jetty to 9.4.11.v20180605
  • Update org.apache.httpcomponents.httpclient to 4.5.5.v20180409-1525
  • Update org.apache.httpcomponents.httpcore to 4.4.9.v20180409-1525
  • Fix validation errors for all target platforms
  • [releng] Update Oomph API baseline
  • Update Maven plugins
    • eclipse-jarsigner-plugin 1.1.5
    • jboss repository-utils 1.1.0
    • maven-pmd-plugin 3.10.0
    • maven-resources-plugin 3.1.0
    • spotbugs-maven-plugin
  • Upgrade Tycho to 1.2.0


Release Date
Release Type
Minor release
This release is part of Eclipse IDE 2018-09