- 462509 History: show whitespace in the diff viewer
- 362907 History: new operation in CommitFileDiffViewer to check out files from a commit
- 546869 Handle delete-modify conflicts in staging view
- 540003 Add filters to Git Repositories View
- 544981 Add "Show in > Reflog" for branch nodes in Repositories View
- Github client: Add RepositoryService#deleteRepository
Usability Improvements
- 462784 Preferences: improve order of git config tabs
- 544983 Shorten SHA1 in editor title
- 546194 Only warn about losing changes if there are changes at all
- 544984 Always use 7 characters for short SHA1
- Ensure warning is shown if blocking commit is enabled
- 545471 Unify duplicate checkout conflicts dialogs
- 545273 Double click fetch nodes to invoke operation
- Use an icon for the Stashes menu
- Add a description for the Git perspective.
- Use an icon for "Column Layout" in staging view
- 545257 Sort branches in branch deletion dialog
- 544928 Don't show whitespace in read-only text fields
Performance Improvements
- 545260 Asynchronous branch content assist in PullWizardPage
- 545996 Improve performance of blocking commit button
Bug Fixes
- 547642 Commit editor and info builder: use progress callback for RevWalkUtils to allow user cancel long running operations and see progress.
- 547575 Fix IllegalStateException when clearing credentials
- 547434 Get rid of the RebasePlanIndexer to fix NPE in RebasePlanIndexer
- 547110 Minor re-organization of FileRevisionEditorInput moving the temp files into the plugin's state location instead of using /tmp.
- 546750 Register progress icons from UI thread
- 546329 Make o.e.debug.ui plugin truly optional
- 546387 Fix merge dialog shortcut conflicts
- Remove jdt.core.launch from dependencies
- 545471 Reset only conflicting paths in a checkout conflict
- 544993 Fix NPE in CommitDragSourceListener.getSelectedCommit
- 545031 Unify "Apply Stash", "Revert", "Cherry-Pick", "Checkout", "Create Tag...", "Create Branch" and "Show in History" commands and remove unused command ID for "Delete Stash..." to fix keybindings
- Unify "Cherry-Pick" commands
- 534616 Gitflow: Validate branch name only different in case to fix failing "Start feature branch"
- 544991 Fix NPE in ConfigurationEditorComponent$2.isValid
- Github client: hookId must be long according to RepositoryHook#getId
Build and Release Engineering
- Update to Orbit R20190602212107
- 546138 Remove the "publish" maven profile
- 541425 Update Apache MINA sshd client to 2.2.0
- Use latest CBI license feature
- 546130 Update target platforms to include JSch 0.1.55
- Upgrade Tycho to 1.4.0
- Silence PDE warning "not all packages exported"
- Upgrade jdt preferences
- Tycho repository build: specify execution environment
- 545906 Add dependency from source to binary feature
- Update & cycle API baselines in Oomph setup
- Convert target platform to simple POM project
- Integrate the smart import wizard fragment into the EGit UI bundle
- Set minimum versions of dependencies to the ones from Neon.0
- Handle expected value in property testers
- Use UTF-8 with maven-resources-plugin
- Update Maven plugins
- Tycho repository build: specify execution environment
- 545432 Rename update site to "EGit Update Site"
- Fix version.sh to update version of o.e.j.ssh.apache feature
- Require Mylyn 3.21 (Neon+)
- Github: Fix version.sh --snapshot to update jgit and egit versions