Eclipse EGit: Git Integration for Eclipse 5.9.0


  • 501419 Introduce preference for Push Wizard as part of Commit And Push.

Usability Improvements

  • 566326 CommitMessageArea: make content assist replace the selection
  • 564970 Use TREE_TABLE_FONT if available to support Eclipse 4.17 new font preference allowing the user to change the font in trees and tables.
  • 564970 [history] React on font change in the commit graph table

Performance Improvements

  • 519231 [staging] Clear and restore selection when refreshing
  • 564569 [staging] hierarchical model also for list view

Bug Fixes

  • 566501 CommitHelper: handle null repository
  • 566256 Determine scheduling rule for file deletion in the background
  • 565048 Fix comparisons with text files committed with CR/LF for text=auto
  • Fix preference text for blocking commits
  • 565990 Do not use the lightweight decorator in the staging view
  • 565851 [decorator] Don't rely on platform caching of colors and fonts
  • 565634 Use FileUtils.rename to move the EGit metadata in place
  • 564478 [dark mode] Fix background color of unstaged/ignored resources

Build and Release Engineering

  • [releng] Update Orbit link in p2 update site to R20200831200620
  • Add jgit-4.17-staging target platform for 2020-09
  • Update target platform to R20200831200620
  • Update jetty to 9.4.30.v20200611
  • Restore additional egit github update sites lost in merge 9592984b
  • Oomph developer setup: update API baselines
Release Date
Release Type
Minor release
This release is part of Eclipse IDE 2020-09