Eclipse EGit: Git Integration for Eclipse 6.1.0


  • Implement TypedConfigGetter#getIntRange introduced in jgit
  • 560748 StagingView: add options to toggle untracked files in stage view
  • 431872 Push to Upstream: use more git config, and ask user if needed
  • Consider push remotes when looking for a remote for pushing
  • BranchConfigurationDialog: support setting the pushRemote
  • 441031 [staging] Improve "Commit & Push" push behavior and respect push.default option
  • 440211 Commit message rewording: add preview, sign-off, and change-id
  • Squash commits: pass through new InteractiveHandler2 to respect commit.cleanup
  • [staging] Provide a commit message preview
  • 577053 [ssh agent] UI to set the default agent
  • 578083 Add Gitea to the known server types for support of pull requests
  • 446355 Support commit.template config property

Usability Improvements

  • 577079 PushBranchWizard: disable finish when there are errors
  • 560748 [staging] Flip the UI logic for hiding untracked files
  • Show pushRemote in branch properties
  • 577079 PushBranchWizard: allow bypassing the confirmation page
  • 578711 [repo view] Open branches, tags, or stashes in the commit viewer
  • 578687 Make branch deletion cancellable
  • 559321 [dark mode] No CSS styling for the commit message in the staging view
  • 578611 [dark mode] Use default background for tables and trees
  • 578611 [dark mode] Default background in the history view
  • 578611 [dark mode] Use default background for StyledTexts
  • 553065, 578173 Clean commit messages consistently, and syntax-color comment lines

Performance Improvements

  • 430226 [history] Fix UI freezes and word-wrap in commit & diff viewer

Bug Fixes

  • 578882 [history]: Show correct history for file opened from commit
  • 560748 [staging] Show untracked files when the repository changes
  • 578848 [staging] Respect filtering when all items are staged/unstaged
  • 577913 [history] Fix incremental loading: reduce number of spawned jobs
  • 577853 Fix history job for empty histories

Build and Release Engineering

  • Update DEPENDENCIES for egit 6.1.0 release
  • Update Orbit to R20220302172233 for 2022-03
  • A few more mnemonics in some dialogs
  • [push] Move remote determination to EGit core
  • Add .gitattributes for OSGI-INF files
  • update org.apache.httpcomponents.httpcore to 4.4.15.v20220209-2345
  • update to 2.8.9.v20220111-1409
  • update org.bouncycastle.bcpg to 1.70.0.v20220105-1522
  • update org.bouncycastle.bcpkix to 1.70.0.v20220105-1522
  • update org.bouncycastle.bcprov to 1.70.0.v20220105-1522
  • update org.bouncycastle.bcutil to 1.70.0.v20220105-1522
  • [releng] Remove org.slf4j.log4j12.binding from target platform
  • 577764 [fetch pr] Simplify tooltip message construction
  • [oomph] Update and cycle API baselines; add egit-4.22 target

Release Date
Release Type
Minor release
This release is part of Eclipse IDE 2022-03