Eclipse EGit: Git Integration for Eclipse 3.5.0 Release Review

End Date of the Review Period

Reviews run for a minimum of one week. The outcome of the review is decided on this date. This is the last day to make comments or ask questions about this review.




New Features

Interactive Rebase View

  • Make commit order in the interactive rebase view configurable
  • Add context menu for plan modification
  • Allow to move multiple commits by drag & drop

Stash Support

  • Add "Stashes" menu to Team context menu and toolbar
  • Add stash commit viewer
  • Optimize layouts of Commit and Stash Viewer

History View

  • Add support for cherry-picking multiple commits at once.
  • Use separate diff viewer instead of embedding into message
  • Add menu action for deleting tags
  • Support searching for branches/tags with find toolbar
  • Track renamed paths and provide to actions
  • Enable Create Patch for first commit in the history view
  • Add support for reverting multiple commits at once


  • Offer interactive and preserve merges options when selecting rebase target
  • Github connector: PullRequest supports the review_comments field


Usability Improvements

Expose important actions in additional menus

  • Add team menu on working sets
  • Add "Repository" submenu in Team menu of files and folders
  • Add "Show Annotations" to ruler menu of revision editor

Sorting of lists

  • Repositories View
    • Sort tags in natural order
    • Sort folders before files in working dir
  • Staging view: sort content by name if file names are shown first

Commit Dialog

  • Add "Select for Commit" to files context menu
  • Replace help button with link to Staging view


  • Show a rebase result dialog if cherry-picking fails.
  • Provide more context in cherry-pick confirmation dialog


  • Improve simple push wizard
  • Simple push wizard links to advanced push wizard
  • When "Commit and Push" opens a wizard, use simple push wizard
  • Push Branch: Don't suggest branch name of local upstream branch
  • Assist in Push dialog and allow to push to custom refs
  • Reverse src/dest order of push result dialog

Performance Improvements

  • Improved performance of staging view on large repositories / working directories
  • In staging view don't reload repository on selection if current repository is same as selected
  • Use faster method of setting styles for commit message viewer


API Certification

The project leadership certifies that the APIs in this release are "Eclipse Quality".

Architectural Issues

None known.

Security Issues

There are no known security issues.

Non-Code Aspects

The EGit user guide is provided in the Eclipse online help.

Usability Details

The release support I18N, but there are only English texts provided. There are some more translations from the Babel project, but those are not tested/reviewed by the project team.

End of Life

No features will be dropped and nothing is deprecated for this release.

On request we re-enabled the possibility to use EGit 3.5.0 on Eclipse platform 3.8.2 (bug 438601).



Communication Channels

  • Eclipse Bugzilla
  • Active EGit forum @
  • EGit Mailing List


The following 17 developers worked on this release:


Andreas Hermann, Andrey Loskutov, Axel Richard, Carsten Pfeiffer, Konrad Kügler, Laurent Goubet, Maik Schreiber, Marc-Andre Laperle,

Markus Keller, Matthias Sohn, Mickael Istria, Robin Rosenberg, Robin Stocker, Szymon Ptaszkiewicz, Tomasz Zarna, Vadim Dmitriev, Zehua Liu