Handly 0.3 includes major new features, such as an outline framework, integration with text editors (in addition to Xtext editor), a real-world exemplary implementation (a simplified Java model), and more. This release is primarily focused on bringing more value to early adopters while further evaluating the Handly core framework.
There is no declared API in this release as both the API and the API policy may still evolve. Separation between API and internal code does exist. Documentation is improving.
We still have a PMI-based website [1], CBI-based build [2], an architectural overview [3], the contributor guide [4], committer FAQ [5], and a basic exemplary implementation provided in Handly Examples. All existing artifacts are kept up-to-date.
This release will bring an important new artifact: a Java model example. It is hoped that this exemplary implementation is sufficiently real-world (despite the inevitable simplifications vs. the full-fledged JDT implementation) and will be useful to Handly adopters. Early feedback is welcome.
Also available is a step-by-step guide to getting started with Handly [6] (hosted on GitHub and made available under the EPL v1.0), which has enjoyed some encouraging feedback from early adopters.
[1] https://projects.eclipse.org/projects/technology.handly
[2] https://hudson.eclipse.org/handly/
[3] http://www.eclipse.org/downloads/download.php?file=/handly/docs/handly-overview.pdf&r=1
[4] http://git.eclipse.org/c/handly/org.eclipse.handly.git/about/
All discussion happens on open channels of developer mailing list [1], adopter forum [2] and bugzilla [3]. The project lead's blog posts on topics surrounding Handly [4] are syndicated to Planet Eclipse.
Despite the still unassuming version number of Handly, there already are three known major adopters (in chronological order): 1C:Enterprise Development Tools [5], erlide [6] (in yet-to-be-released version 0.30), and Codasip Studio [7]. We are very grateful for their vote of confidence to the project, active participation and valuable feedback. With the upcoming 0.3 release, we hope to encourage further adoption and receive broader feedback.
[1] https://dev.eclipse.org/mailman/listinfo/handly-dev
[2] http://eclipse.org/forums/eclipse.handly
[3] https://bugs.eclipse.org/bugs/buglist.cgi?product=Handly
[4] http://pisv.wordpress.com/tag/handly/
[5] http://www.1c.ru/news/info.jsp?id=19821 (in Russian)